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The Litterboom Project

Initiated in 2017, The Litterboom Project - TLP - was the pilot phase of our solution to alleviating the increase in marine plastic pollution, by targeting the river systems, instead of dealing with it only at the oceans.

90% of marine plastic pollution comes from river systems and we, at the TLP team, have therefore devoted ourselves to this preventative solution.

Our Focus Areas

Initiated in 2017, The Litterboom Project - TLP - was the pilot phase of our solution to alleviating the increase in marine plastic pollution, by targeting the river systems, instead of dealing with it only at the oceans.

90% of marine plastic pollution comes from river systems and we, at the TLP team, have therefore devoted ourselves to this preventative solution.


The Litterboom Project is an NPC, with their PBO status, that relies heavily on the support of the local communities, business sector and general public to implement and maintain it's operations throughout the country. Without you so much of the good work being done would simply not be possible. If this cause is something that resonates with you, please consider supporting us in any of the following ways:

- Join our social media channels and help grow our community both on and offline.

- Partake in river and ocean clean ups in your local community

- Help us create awareness by sharing our content and encouraging others to support us

- subscribe to our newsletter and receive important news and information

- Educate yourself, friends and family on the severity of our country's pollution problem and what we can all do together to solve it

- Support financially and help us expand the project throughout the country.

   Your contribution can help do the following:

  • Every R200 pays for us to clean up 20kgs of plastic

  • Every R4 000 allows us to employ someone for a month, which equates to 400kgs of plastic removed per month

  • Every R100 000 employs 2 staff members, sets up 2 litterbooms and recycles over 10 000kgs of plastic over a year 

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